What Do You Want Jesus To Do for You?
How would you respond to that question? It’s an inviting question, especially when the Son of God is asking it. Jesus asked two of His disciples,
“What do you want Me to do for you?” (NKJV*).
They had no trouble answering—
“Grant us that we may sit, one on Your right hand and the other on Your left, in Your glory” ().
There’s bold, and then there’s out of line. Can you imagine someone asking that of Jesus, especially a disciple? But Jesus didn’t scold them. He asked them if they would be willing to suffer as He would have to suffer. He knew they would be persecuted for His sake, but to grant their request was something only the Father could do (
).If Jesus came to you with that question—“What do you want Me to do for you?”—what would you tell Him? What secret dreams do you have? What desperate need?
Jesus asked another man that question. As Jesus walked on the road to Jericho, a blind man named Bartimaeus cried out to Him for mercy. The names he chose for Jesus showed his faith in Him—Son of David and Rabboni (
). Jesus asked him the life-changing question—“What do you want Me to do for you?” ().
Bartimaeus didn’t ask for position or riches, but for a priceless gift—to see.
Jesus said yes. Instead of scurrying away to start his new life, Bartimaeus chose another priceless treasure—he followed Jesus.
In the quiet place of your heart, what do you want the most? God knows the secret desires of our hearts, and He has a promise for us.
Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart ().
When our desires match God’s desires for us, they will be fulfilled. In God’s timing. In His way.
The hard part of this process is that we may hold on to our desires or our dreams above God’s because we think they are good. But are they best? God can see what we can’t. He knows what opportunities await us if we’ll trust Him. He knows who we can help that we might not help otherwise.
As we understand more of who God is and watch Him work in our lives, we see that He has our best interests at heart. We see that He desires the best for us. So will we trust Him when we can’t see what He can?
Sometimes we have to wait to see the good. But just as Jesus gave Bartimaeus physical sight, He can give us spiritual sight to see the good He is doing, working all things in our lives for good (
).Strength, peace, meaningful relationships, a whole heart, a purpose, and a ministry—God has these in store for those who delight in Him and follow Him. So let’s answer Jesus’ question as Bartimaeus did. Let’s ask Him for what will help us to follow Him more. Let’s trust God that He has good in store.
What would you ask Jesus for today? Renewed strength? A new perspective on a tough situation? A chance to minister in a new way in God’s kingdom? May the Lord hear the prayers of your heart, and may we keep an open mind before Him. Not clinging to desires that He doesn’t have for us, and not shutting out the priceless treasures He has in store. What do you want Me to do for you? O Lord, whatever You want.
*All Scripture verses are taken from the NKJV.
© Copyright 2021 by Katy Kauffman