When the Men Arise
“Even though I do not fear God nor respect man, yet because this widow bothers me I will give her legal protection, otherwise by continually coming she will wear me out." (
)I’m part of a unique fellowship of men dedicated to seeking the leading of the Holy Spirit, and though I’ve witnessed amazing things in this group, nothing could have prepared me for a woman of tenacious faith named Barbara [names fictitious]. A mom at the end of her rope, Barbara came along with her two sons seeking healing for her family. One joined us and one was curled up in the car outside in the parking lot, no doubt unexcited to join a bunch of “old guys” wanting to pray for him.
Barbara’s husband had spent his life suffering from severe asthma, and now two sons spent theirs constantly battling severe food allergies that led to constant headaches for Brad and non-stop ringing in Jimmy’s ears. One had told her he didn’t want to live any more. As Barbara told their story I witnessed a look of pure hopelessness in Brad’s eyes. I fought to hold back the tears. We were all sent scrambling to move burritos and coffee when Barbara informed us just the odors would make Brad sick.
The family had been to numerous physicians and the Mayo Clinic. No answers. Convinced God would be the One to bring healing, they had sought famous faith healers as well. But Barbara was not one to give up. Barbara, like the woman in the parable, was fully prepared to wear out the ears of heaven!
When asked why she had come to a group of ordinary men when the renowned healers had failed, Barbara’s words struck gold in my heart! Her husband Chuck had been told by God, “When the men pray, your family will be healed.” His Spirit cried out in mine, “I told them to go find the sort of unrenowned men My Son sought: the fishermen, tax collectors, and doctors who will arise when I call to restore My church as they did before. Find these who gather in community as one to seek Me and act. Go find the men!”
God is calling us out to restore the church His Son first revealed. As before, He’s calling men out of the lavish temples of comfortable religion—out from what too many years of religious freedom and too little religious suffering have reduced them to. He’s calling us to follow Jesus out in our homes, our board rooms, and our coffee shops, to rebuild true Christian community.
We’re being called to be the men of God people like Barbara and her family are looking for—transformed, engaged, on fire apostles! The comforts of this world, so abundant for so long, are beginning to fail us. These will be “only the beginnings of the birth pangs,” as a new and desperate hunger for Jesus Christ increases as the world’s solutions increasingly fail us. It will be a new breed of apostles the Spirit will lead the lost and desperate to seek out.
We spent two hours talking and praying with Barbara and her two sons [after praying with Barbara and Brad, we gathered around Jimmy in the parking lot to pray for him]. I’m not the charismatic type, but I came away from there expecting healing because I believed we were the men they sought. Brad’s non-reaction to the food and coffee odors still permeating the room as we went on was a good sign. His countenance had noticeably changed.
So thank you, Barbara, for being one of the bravest people I’ve ever met, and for displaying a faith so rare these days. Moreover, thank you for reminding me of the importance of my mission: calling men out of the culture and religion of Laodicea to become the transformed men of His new church. The great Judge is calling out, and searching for, men of no great renown yet who are ready, willing, and able to declare “Here am I, Lord. Send me” into Your kingdom to grant the lost protection in a world teetering on the brink.
Copyright 2016 Michael Wolff. Used by permission.