Disgusting Water Was The Only Option for Drinking
Idah lives in the hills of Zimbabwe. When Cyclone Idai struck, her mud home was leveled. She quickly built a new house, but one thing she couldn’t build was a new water source. She used to get water piped from a spring. Now, she collects water directly from the stream.
Idah explained, “I drink just as much water as I did before, but now, every day, I get sicker and sicker.”
The water simply flows downhill, getting more and more contaminated at each collection point.
“For two weeks, I was too sick and weak to do anything,” said Idah. “I barely had the strength to get up, and I was afraid I would die.”
When Operation Blessing arrived at the stream, we found stagnant water, teeming with bacteria and parasites that cause serious diseases. We distributed water filters and chlorine tablets to everyone in the area. This will help purify the water and prevent disease from spreading any further. These will last for up to a year, giving enough time for the water pipes from the spring to be repaired.
Idah said with a big smile, “When I saw you coming to help us, it felt like hope was restored. The light that dimmed within me, lit up again. The water is clean and tastes much better now. Thank you for helping us. May God give you peace, and may you continue to help more people like us.”