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Chinese Village Gets Extreme Makeover

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High up in the mountains of Western China there is a province called Gansu.   Villagers here live simple lives.  They eat what they can harvest (mostly potatoes), and they sleep in homes made of baked clay.   The region is barren and plagued with droughts, with little water and lots of very hot days.  The average family income here is only $85 a year.

Even when it does rain, there is no way to store precipitation.  The water tables run too deep to dig wells in Gansu.  This forces villagers like Ma Yingfu to walk eight hours every day to get water for his family.  The harsh conditions have taken a toll on the whole community.

“Our village is so poor that many young people leave home to go to other cities,” says the village leader.

With your help, CBN is giving Gansu an extreme makeover.  It started with the construction of cisterns, 17-foot-deep cylindrical structures lined with concrete and brick.  They capture water off the roofs during Gansu’s rainy season and provide water storage for the dry times. 

“The cisterns from CBN have really improved our quality of life.   Now we can use water for cooking and washing anytime; it’s so convenient,” says Ma Yingfu    

But there’s no electricity in Gansu and not much wood to start fires.  So how do villagers boil water from the cisterns or cook their potatoes?  Well, CBN solved that problem, too – with solar ovens!

The solar ovens cost $50 each.  Cisterns cost $250 a piece.  They are little investments making big impacts on the people of Gansu.

And there’s one more thing to CBN’s extreme make-over.  Their school is also sponsored by CBN.  Now, young people have access to an excellent education in their own backyard.  Because of this, families can stay together, and Gansu can grow.

It’s a community on the mend—headed towards a bright future, thanks to the love and support of CBN partners like you.  If you are not yet a partner, please join with us.  Just as you brought water to the Gansu village, you will impact lives and communities around the world with food, clothing, medical care, humanitarian aid, and more. Please join today.   

“All of the villagers have been deeply moved by what CBN partners have done for us,” says the village leader.  “We are touched by CBN’s love.

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