Pray for America - Day 1
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. —
DAY 1: "Called by His Name"
America is in crisis. If there is any time for God’s people, who are called by His name, to unite in prayer—it is now! We are in a great battle to keep our nation from being torn apart. We are divided as never before and some have turned to violence to defend their views. The pandemic has pushed some to a point of despair, with many teetering on the edge of hopelessness. We are a nation in trouble and it is clear that “We the People” cannot fix America.
However, we cannot lose heart by forgetting that we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus; it is through Him that we are able to petition the only true God whose name is Yahweh, Jehovah. It is He who causes everything to be! He is the One who will equip us with His armor of light for our battle against darkness. He will reveal His purity through the Holy Spirit, leading us to true repentance, and He will teach us new ways to ignite our prayer life fueled by His power.
Are we ready, America? Can we, together, heed His call and become God’s strongest army of prayer warriors who are delivering non-stop effectual, fervent prayers to the throne of His mercy and grace on behalf of our country, the land that we love?
With our resounding yes, the Lord is ready to hear and answer our prayers.