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Pray for America - Day 36

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But the Lord shall endure forever; He has prepared His throne for judgment. He shall judge the world in righteousness, and He shall administer judgment for the peoples in uprightness. 

DAY 36: "God Answers Prayer"

When we have experienced injustice, how calming it is to know that we have an advocate who will come to our defense.

In, we are taught to always pray and not lose heart when we have been treated unfairly. Jesus begins His teaching to the disciples with a parable about an unjust judge who did not fear God or care about people, and a widow who persisted in asking this judge for justice in a dispute with her enemy. The judge initially avoided the widow’s pleas, but in the end, he granted her justice because he was bothered by her constant pleading. Jesus then contrasts the unjust judge with our heavenly Father, who is abounding in love and wants to hear from those He calls His own. He poses two questions: Don’t you think that God would grant justice to His own people who cry out to Him day and night; and wouldn’t He grant that justice speedily? Jesus answered with a powerful statement affirming that the God of justice would indeed intervene and do so quickly on our behalf. 

Pray that all God’s people across America would not lose heart in their pleas for justice. With Jesus as our advocate, our prayers are continually being ushered directly to God, who is righteous, just, and steadfast in love.


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