Pray for America - Day 4
When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You In the night watches. Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. —
DAY 4: "Remembering God's Faithfulness"
The Constitution of the United States is the sacred document that birthed this great land. Upholding its principles is the job of our nation’s highest court. The recent loss of a Supreme Court Justice requires a decision bathed in prayer because whoever is chosen will have a profound impact on America’s future.
We pray for courage and honesty to prevail in the choosing of the next Chief Justice. We ask for godly members of the court that would serve God’s purposes with justice and righteousness.
Let us never forget America’s spiritual heritage and how our forefathers committed this land to God. May we rise up now with unified voices to declare God’s faithfulness and pray that the Supreme Court and all our leaders will hear from God as they set the course for our nation.