Pro-Life: Not Just a Bumper Sticker
I recently saw a bumper sticker that read, "The Ten Commandments Are Not Multiple Choice." Wouldn’t it be nice if we could pick and choose? After all, who doesn’t want to have their cake and eat it too?
We Deceive Ourselves
However, when it comes to protecting the pre-born, we deceive ourselves if we claim to be pro-life but support the right for others to “choose.” This was exactly the position taken by the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate. When his political power was threatened, he simultaneously declared the Son of God innocent and sentenced him to death.
Throughout human history, one of the things that has distinguished God’s people is their treatment of those who are weak and without a voice. In the Old Testament, God established laws to protect the poor, the orphans, widows, and even refugees living among the Israelites. In the New Testament, Jesus reaches out to the sick, rejected, the outcast, and the hurting. From there, the history of the Church includes the establishment of schools, hospitals, and orphanages...
Abortion is a Spiritual, Not Political, Battle
So why is it that today, the most vulnerable of those created in God’s image are not being afforded this same protection?
Currently, there are both secular and Christian advocates fighting to end the horrors of slavery, poverty, and other social ills. I, for one, support and applaud their efforts. However, when it comes to fighting the modern-day holocaust against pre-born children, the bandwagon is frighteningly sparse.
If there is any category of persons the Church should be fighting to protect, it is the pre-born who have virtually no other voice. It breaks my heart that many Christians often look the other way because abortion is also a political battle. When we do, we fail to recognize that at its core, abortion is the most heinous of spiritual battles.
Why? Because abortion is a direct attack on our Lord, the Creator of Life.
The Enemy’s Goal
Throughout all of human history, the deepest issues of God have always been polarizing. This should not surprise us. The volatility of the issue of abortion is further evidence that it is a fierce spiritual battle. As such, our enemy is deeply committed to fight it. As followers of Christ, we should be as well. At the end of the day, Satan is not threatened by our efforts to alleviate poverty or disease. Not so when it comes to abortion.
Abortion is embedded in Satan’s hatred of those created in the image of God. He knows that for each child lost there is one less person who might live to give God glory.
Abortion is a War on God
The reality is that abortion is a war on God. If we claim to be pro-life but fail to take steps to protect life, we have not only deceived ourselves, but deeply grieved our Lord and Creator, who calls us to
"be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”(ESV)
As Christians, Scripture teaches us what it means to follow God,
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (ESV)
Shadia Hrichi is a passionate pro-life speaker and author. She shares her own powerful story of God’s redemption after abortion in Worthy of Love: A Journey of Hope and Healing After Abortion, an 8-lesson story-driven Bible study for post-abortion healing.