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Recent Devotionals

In the darkness of a moonless night, a mother and her children embark on a journey across a pitch-…
Mother’s Day provides a perfect time to honor our mothers and those who loved and cared for us as…
We celebrate women and the unique way God has called them to serve. Whether you’re a biological…
Do you have unmet needs? Disappointments? Shattered dreams? Some of us long to go back to a time…
Today, we celebrate a wonderful holiday – Ascension Day. What? You aren’t celebrating? In many ways…
Prayer is so much more than bowing our heads, closing our eyes, and speaking eloquently. Each of us…
Prayer is a powerful weapon in the life of the believer. When we pray, it unlocks God’s power to…
Have you ever considered how extraordinary it is that we get to talk to God regularly? It's awe-…
From her standpoint, everything looked bleak, but from God's view, everything was moving in the…
Emotions are an essential part of our lives. We experience some of them every day, but have you…
Are good deeds equivalent to faith? No, they are not. However, faith and love in Jesus Christ…
Jesus was always serving others. Throughout Scripture, we see stories of Jesus washing feet,…
Have you ever wondered why God wanted so many details included in Scripture? Whether it's lists,…
Have you been watching the news? There is no doubt the times we live in are troublesome. It can be…
Would you say it's your heart’s desire and prayer for all to believe that Jesus is the One He…
Recognize the incredible invitation God extends to you through the sacrifice of Jesus—a chance to…