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'Yes, God, More of This': Duck Dynasty's Korie Robertson Snaps Amazing Pic at Kanye's 'Sunday Service'

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Thousands of people are choosing to follow Jesus Christ as a result of Kanye West's new outreach concerts called "Sunday Service."

Kanye has stunned the world with his new album called "Jesus is King," saying his life is now devoted to sharing the message of God's love and salvation.

Prophet Shawn Bolz was an eyewitness to one such powerful moment a week ago when he attended a Kanye event, saying the newly born again Christian's powerful creativity and message of grace could be a game-changer for gospel outreach. Now there's a new report of revival coming from Kanye's latest event in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Korie Robertson, the wife of Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty, shared this powerful photo of people raising their hands at the Kanye concert in her home state.

"Our family has been celebrating all week what God is doing in and through Kanye and the Sunday Service Choir so when we heard he was going to be in Baton Rouge tonight we jumped in the car!"

"Straight up night of praise and worship with joy, humility, thankfulness, bold faith and power. Jesus is King. His name was lifted high in this place. Yes, God, more of this," she writes.

Pastor Ben Pirtle of Gateway Church offered this great photo of Kanye with his daughter wearing a Jesus hairclip, sitting on her daddy's shoulders.

"To me this looks like happiness. A man who has a new identity. A selfish lifestyle turned around to bless others. A child who knows and is known by her father! A celebration of meaning and transformation that is contagious. Darkness that has been overwhelmed by light!"


To me this looks like happiness. A man who has a new identity. A selfish lifestyle turned around to bless others. A child who knows and is known by her father! A celebration of meaning and transformation that is contagious. Darkness that has been overwhelmed by light! This is my favorite pic from the Sunday service last night in Louisiana. It is so good to see a miracle in motion. (Look at her hair clip)I love the push back from the religious and pious. It sounds a lot like their peers from John chapter 9. A man healed of blindness BY JESUS, was questioned and scrutinized and told he was a filthy liar. His response, “I don’t know what else to tell you, I was blind and Jesus healed me and now I see!” Their response: “To this they replied, “You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us!” And they threw him out.” ‭‭John‬ ‭9:34‬ ‭ Kanye said, I was asleep and then Jesus woke me up and I repented and want to live my life to glorify Him. God is a miracle worker who changes lives. That’s what He does. He did it for my filth and for yours. Why not Kanye’s? #sundayservice #Louisiana @225batonrouge

A post shared by Ben Pirtle (@benpirtle_) on

Pastor Curvine Brewington also attended that event, posting this photo of the altar call moment... it's gone viral. It's just a sea of hands raised high to choose Christ.


Tonight, @candacebrewington & I got to experience Kanye West’s Sunday Service at @bethany_church in Baton Rouge. If you’ve ever doubted the legitimacy or spiritual impact of this #sundayservice project, simply look at this incredible shot taken by @the.smitan during the altar call. YES, I said ALTAR CALL. Tonight, worship was lifted, the name of Christ was exalted, the Word of God was preached, a multitude prayed together, the Gospel was clearly proclaimed, and an opportunity to respond was given. In a crowd of 6,000 people from all walks of life, all ages, and all races, i witnessed over 1,000 people respond to The Gospel by raising their hands to accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior! Say what you want, & think what you want.... But trust me when I tell you - The Spirit of the Living God was indeed present. I danced, wept, stood in awe of God’s redemptive work, & can honestly say that tonight I witnessed a new wave of REVIVAL first hand. #Jesusisking • OPEN VERSE IN BIBLE (nlt) “Behold I do a NEW thing. • “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. • #excited #inspired @the.smitan

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Pastor Jonathan Stockstill of Bethany Church hosted the Kanye service in Baton Rouge, and he spoke out about critics who have attacked him for doing it. He pointed out the only people Jesus ever got mad at were the religious people who pointed fingers of blame.

"If you wonder, can a guy like Kanye West get saved... can you get saved?" Stockstill asked. "Can you? Can I? If WE can, then everybody can, and that's why He moves, it's to save everybody."

Stockstill offered another post about the event, talking about how Kanye is pouring out his own finances to make these outreaches happen. 

"Jesus is King! Thousands gathered, Jesus was lifted up, many were brought to Him. I can say this for certain, it is one of the most memorable Christian experiences of my life. The simplicity of the message, the power of the music, the humility of a changed man, was unforgettable. Kanye personally paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to make the event happen, he has a generous heart. He only performed 20 minutes out of 2 hours, it wasn't about him. A spiritual father took the mic and preached on blind Bartimaeus. His message was why we should cry out to Jesus. He HEARS us, He HELPS us, He HEALS us. An ocean of hands went up to believe in Jesus and surrender lives to Him. My biggest takeaway, be open to God moving. Be more Jesus natured, than church natured. Much love to the amazing Bethany team that pulled off a world class event in 72 hours with world class excellence. Thanks to Bethany Staff and A-Team for serving so much."

Meanwhile, Rich Wilkerson, Jr. the pastor who married Kanye and Kim Kardashian, recently posted a promo for Kanye's album "Jesus is King" saying, "I think the message is pretty clear. I've heard sermons less explicit."


I think the message is pretty clear. I’ve heard sermons less explicit.

A post shared by Rich Wilkerson (@richwilkersonjr) on

Wilkerson is known for reaching out with the gospel to high profile stars, like Kanye and Justin Bieber.

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Benjamin Gill oversees internet and social media content as the Multimedia Manager for He has been on staff with CBN News as an internet and broadcast producer since 2000. Here are some of his commentaries and articles: Pursuing Truth in a World of Fake News: Reflections of a Christian Journalist After 20 Years with CBN News Plagues, the End Times, and Trusting in God's Protection: 'You Will Hear Us and Rescue Us' 12 Powerful Bible Verses to Build Your Faith and Fight Fear During the Coronavirus Crisis 'Beasts of Darkness': The Satanic Hatred that Possessed Connor Betts, and What