As Congresswoman Chants 'Impeachment' 8 Times, Others Point to 'Coup' in Trump Admin
An anti-Trump Democrat congresswoman is reminding America what the upcoming midterm elections are all about, vowing at a recent event that she's going to "get" President Trump, laughing as she repeatedly announced her dream of "impeachment" over and over again. But this quest for "impeachment" goes well beyond one woman's obsession and her public threats against Trump supporters.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) revealed over the weekend that some Democrats have tried to get her to stop talking about impeaching President Trump.
In a video posted by The American Mirror, she explained, "They say, 'Maxine, please don't say impeachment anymore.' And when they say that, I say impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment." The crowd applauded.
Waters ranted on and on, revealing the extent of her obsession with taking down President Trump.
"I wake up in the middle of the night and all I can think about is I'm gonna get him. I'm gonna get him. I'm gonna get him," she repeated.
Waters is not alone in her outspoken quest to drive Trump from the White House. Up-and-coming Democrat and self-avowed socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has said, "I would support impeachment. I think that, you know, we have the grounds to do it."
And CBN News reported earlier this year that Rep. Al Green (D-TX) led an effort in Congress to impeach Trump, gaining support from 58 Democrats in the process.
Liberal news media outlets like MSNBC and CNN are also obsessed with impeaching Trump, recently using the word "impeachment" 222 times in just one day.
Impeachment aside, efforts to destroy the Trump presidency abound with former Trump advisor Steve Bannon telling Reuters, "What you saw the other day was as serious as it can get. This is a direct attack on the institutions... This is a coup, okay."
Bannon was referring to the stunning step by the New York Times to publish an unprecedented anonymous op-ed by someone who is allegedly a "senior" member of the Trump administration. That official claimed, "Many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations."
Meanwhile, Waters continues with her out-in-the-open approach, and her progressive audience at the Stonewall Young Democrats event laughed and applauded repeatedly at her bluntness about how she has threatened Trump supporters at certain points.
"I do that all the time," she laughed.
And her plans don't stop at impeaching Trump. She said if Democrats are successful in removing Trump from office, destroying Vice President Mike Pence will be her next goal.
"You knock one down, one at a time," she said. "You knock one down, and we'll be ready for Pence. We'll get him, too."