Franklin Graham: 'The Left, the Socialists Have Made It Very Clear That They Stand Against the Church'
WASHINGTON, DC - In an interview with CBN News, evangelist Franklin Graham is standing firm against the recent controversial comments by 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke, who said he would want to strip churches of their tax-exempt status if they don't support same-sex marriage.
Graham says it's indicative of a much broader moral slide by progressives in American politics.
"I think the Left, the socialists have made it very clear that they stand against the church," Graham tells CBN News. "Unless we bow down and accept their agenda as it relates to the LGBTQ agenda, then they'll take our tax exempt status, and everybody in the room cheered and clapped when he said that. And of course the other candidates clapped and cheered as well. And that just shows you where their heart is and where they're going to go."
Graham says this is not about being against a group of people. Instead, it's about sharing the true freedom and hope that come from following God's ways that are made clear in the Bible.
"I'm not anti-gay, I'm not going out speaking against gay people, fighting gay people or anything like that, but I certainly don't want them to force their agenda on me to where I have to accept what they say is truth. It's not. It's a sin. And I care for gay people, love them enough to warn them that if they don't repent and turn from their sin, God will judge them. And God will judge sin, whether we are liars or thieves, all of us are sinners and we have to repent and turn from our sin," he explained.
"And so I want the gay and lesbian people to know that if they repent and turn from those sins, God will forgive them and heal their hearts. But I'm not going to accept it and say what they're doing is fine. It's not fine. It's not fine with God and they'll stand before him one day," he continued.
LATEST: Beto Tries to Backtrack After Being Blasted for 'Bigoted Nonsense' LGBT Attack on Churches
What concerns Graham is not just the socialist agenda on the left. He's also very concerned of how the message will corrupt Christians.
"There will be a lot of Christians who unfortunately will bow down and give in, and many have already, and I'm just not going to do that," he said.
You can watch more of the interview tonight on Faith Nation at 6pm ET on the CBN News Channel.
PART 2 of Our Interview: 'I Respect His Decision': Franklin Graham Tells CBN News Why He Won't Second Guess Trump on Syria