10 Ways to Pray for the Persecuted Church


Each year on the first and second Sundays of November, millions of Christians around the world pray for the persecuted church. Each day is known as the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP).

Our friends at the Voice of the Martyrs have come up with 10 Ways To Pray. I'm featuring these prayers in my video blog and will add some throughout the coming week.

Please take a look and share all of these, or just some of them and then PRAY! 

Before we pray for suffering Christians around the world, we must first understand that they do not want us to pray the persecution will stop. Of course, we don't want anyone to suffer torture and hardship, so what do they want us to pray instead and why?

I'm inspired and encouraged by the writings, teachings, and sufferings of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand. Learn about him, and hear what he described as the best time of his life and why--in this video about the FIRST WAY to pray:

And in my video blog on a SECOND and THIRD WAY to pray, hear what a little 4-year old Pakistani girl said after she witnessed her pastor father being killed by Islamic terrorists:

Free Resources: IDOP

* Photo and prayer points courtesy The Voice of the Martyrs.