Nature's Best Kept Secret to Your Blood Pressure


L-arginine, an amino acid available as a supplement, could be one of the best kept health secrets. 

Not many people are aware of the tremendous benefits of L-arginine primarily because the research confirming its value is relatively new.

As recently as 1998, three doctors -- Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad -- were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology for Medicine. They discovered nitric oxide dramatically improves cardiovascular health.

This discovery surprised most scientists, who previously only viewed it as an air pollutant emitted from burning nitrogen. 

L-arginine is necessary for the production of nitric oxide and the supplements enhance this process.

Renowned cardiologist Chauncey Crandall, a recurring guest on CBN's "The 700 Club" and author of "The Heart Health Report" newsletter, spoke to Newsmax about its benefits.
"Nitric oxide is crucial to a healthy cardiovascular system as it signals the muscles in the arteries to relax, allowing the arteries to dilate and blood flow to increase," he explained. "This prevents plaque buildup on the artery walls."

"All of these factors work together to keep hypertension at bay and ensure that the circulatory process works smoothly, and that the heart is not overworked," he continued.

Additionally, Crandall said, "L-arginine, a chemical building block that the body converts to nitric oxide, may be beneficial for high blood pressure."

Crandall reportedly advises people who are concerned about high blood pressure to supplement with L-arginine, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and B-12.

In addition to helping control blood pressure and protecting the heart, L-arginine can help improve immune function to fight off sickness, boost memory, and aid in growth hormone production. It has even been shown to enhance one's sex life.

However, it's the supplement's ability to lower blood pressure that is perhaps the most exciting.  

About one-third of American adults suffer from high blood pressure. It's a leading risk factor for two of the top causes of death: heart disease and stroke. Managing blood pressure is crucial for good health.

Because it's important to keep blood pressure in check, millions are currently taking blood pressure medication, which can carry with it serious side effects.

As if that's not bad enough, many patients don't even achieve their desired blood pressure even while taking their pills. 

L-arginine could be a natural, effective blood pressure remedy, but patients should discuss it with their doctor before changing their treatment.

Dr. Crandall recommends these lifestyle modifications to lower blood pressure:

1. Maintain a healthy weight
2. Eat a healthy diet
3. Exercise daily
4. Avoid tobacco