Living Under the Shadow of Death


What do you think it would be like to be under rocket attack? What if you had to run into your house because the town's "Code Red" alarm sounded, then find the safest place and wait for the sound of the rocket explosion, while hoping it didn't land on your house? That's what life has been like in Sderot, Israel, for the past seven years.

On Monday, we traveled to Sderot to talk to some of the people and find out what it's like living in this town where thousands of deadly rockets have landed.

While we were walking into the house of Havar Gad, the "Code Red" alarm sounded. She shouted to us to come inside. She led us to the safest place in her home while we all waited for the explosion. After the explosion, Havar talked to her son in Hebrew and then raised his arms so he didn't hyperventilate.

While we plan to air this full story in the coming days on the "700 Club" and CBN Newswatch, this video clip will give you an idea of what it's been like for the people of Sderot "living in the valley of the shadow of death."