Hamas Launches New Round of Rocket Attacks Against Israel


While the mainstream media was sleeping (or weeping after their man President Obama's debate performance last week), Hamas renewed rocket attacks against Israel in a major way--with help from fellow Iranian proxy, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Here's more, from the Jerusalem Post:

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The IDF struck targets in Gaza from the air and land on Monday in response to a barrage of more than 30 rockets and mortar shells fired by Hamas and Islamic Jihad at farming districts in the South.

An army source said one target hit included a Hamas position hidden inside a mosque in southern Gaza. A tank directed fire at the location.

The army source added that Hamas often uses “religious sites as cover for its terrorist activities against Israelis.”

The Eshkol Regional Council was bombarded with some 30 Palestinian rockets and mortars on Monday morning. Local residents reported awakening to the sounds of explosions and rushing for cover in safe rooms designed to protect them from the projectiles.

Ronit Minaker, spokeswoman for the Eshkol Regional Council, said that residents received SMS messages and heard alarms beginning at around 6 a.m.Monday morning. They listened to dozens of strikes on the area over the course of around an hour-and-a-half.

The strikes began at the same hour of the morning when local children usually wake up, and on Monday they were required to spend the first few hours of their last day of the holidays waiting in bomb shelters, Minaker said. She added that residents received instructions to stay within 15 seconds of a protected area.

The council will hold a meeting on the situation later on in the day, Minaker said, adding that the strikes hit land belonging to three different communities, causing damage to a house, a road and some livestock.

The residents had become accustomed to a long period of quiet in the area, Minaker said, and the communities were hosting tourists and other visitors when the strikes began.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad said they targeted the rural district as a response to an Israeli air strike on Sunday night, which struck and seriously injured two members of an al- Qaida-inspired terror cell as they rode on a motorcycle.

The two men, Talat Jarbi, 23, and Abdullah Makawai, 24, were in the final stages of preparing a large and complex terrorist attack on Israelis, and were plotting on launching it from the Sinai Peninsula, the IDF said.

So Al Qaeda-linked jihadists are openly operating in Gaza, on Israel's doorstep, alongside Hamas and PIJ. Plus, Iran may be two to four months from obtaining a nuclear warhead and unmanned drones--apparently directed by Hezbollah and Iran--are violating Israeli airspace.

The message here? War is coming.