Hillary Gets Love from Brody File Readers


Man, what a reaction! In the last 24 hours, I've written two posts that have brought out the Hillary fans. The first one about her debate performance last night is here. The second one had to do with an email circulating among progressive religious leaders. Read that post here.

Below are some of the comments I've received about both of those articles.

From Barbara:

Watching Hillary last night honestly acknowledging her personal crises and then skillfully and carefully turning the spotlight away from herself and toward others was a singular moment in this election cycle. Her further affirmation that we'll be fine and hoping for that for the American people was a very special moment as well.

From Thornton:

Let me start by saying that I believe in the popular vote and not delegates acquired in primaries and caucuses held at different times throughout the year along with Super delegates that need not make a decision until the end.

I don't understand why that on the eve of a national election there is so much furor over the fact that results from the East Coast are revealed while polls in the West are still open, but caucuses and primaries are held and results released months apart!

Bottom line is, if this is the way that the Democratic party wishes to select its' candidate so be it. Super delegates should vote their conscious no matter who might benefit or be offended, that is why you are a Super delegate.

From Peggy:

I agree that Barack is an outstanding orator...but an orator does not a President make! No doubt he has been an excellent speaker on the Senate floor in the short time he has been in the Senate. I believe we need more than oratory skills and charisma to move America from the abyss of Bush's presidency.we need a "seasoned" leader, known and respected around the world by allies and non-allies for the knowledge, sensitivity and wisdom to restore/raise America to be all we can be. That leader is Hillary Clinton.

From Ellen:

I just read the piece regarding Clergy E-mail. I keep hearing there is not very much negative reporting against the Obama campaign by the press. A few stories about his plagiarism isn't bad press when mail and calls like this are being sent out on his behalf. This is a pretty underhanded attempt to get the super delegates into their camp, while publicly saying they aren't doing anything to influence Clinton's super delegates. I find the Jackie Stevenson comments telling and I absolutely agree with her position that she will change her pledge to Obama when Kennedy and Kerry switch their pledges to Clinton.

The "Bossip" paragraph is appalling. Why isn't this being talked about in the news? If Bill Clinton had a hand in this it would be front page news and the lead in story on the evening news. What gives?

From Janice:

As an avid Hillary supporter my conscience has been scrutinized tremendously. I know that I need to get on my knees to sort through all this. And I do. And I believe Hillary does also. It's part of my fondness for her. I'm afraid to actually "pray" for her to win but the Lord knows my mind and my heart. I pray He forgives my passion to see Hillary elected because in the scheme of things He is the decider.

From Stanita

As long-time strong supporter of the Democratic Party, and thereby a supporter of Hillary Clinton, I was forced to take notice of Barack Obama right after the Iowa caucus. I was immediately impressed and proud of my black brother. However, what struck me is his lack of respect for the Democratic party establishment. The quote: "sending the same old cast of character back to Washington" just blew me away because of its disdain for our public servants. When I looked further into his political career.I discovered that his claim to fame is his ability to run for office. He is a successful campaigner. Then, I said "Oh, I get it..."

Barack is campaigning to become an "Independent" President.he is just using the Democratic Party as a vehicle. I have figured it out. That explains why he is getting the enormous support... why no one cares about basic experience, basic accomplishments as political servant, and basic substance. A vote for Obama is a vote to tear down the Democratic party's establishment. With Obama's ability to convince the Democratic Party to turn against it's own soul, Obama would have been able to defeat JFK, Lyndon, and Carter. According to Obama and Michelle: No one before them has done anything to be proud of, except Reagan and Republican "party of ideas." The Republicans are so gleeful... They can hardly wait for the outcome. It must be nice for the Republican party to watch the Democratic party self-destruct.

From Valerie:

I am a single strong woman and my heart hurts as it is at this moment when I hear all the bad things and comments about Hillary. She smiles but I know it must hurt her. If I had never known who our candidates were I would still vote for Hillary.She has a history of accomplishments 312 pages from what I read. She is my only choice. I am and will be Hillary all the way. Matter of fact I am off to make another donation.

From Susan:

Hillary was genuine, shining like a star tonight. If she would have been on Idol, Simon would have said, "She nailed it!" Despite the negative spin that often seems to come her way, Hillary is totally genuine when she discusses universal health care

From Richard:

She is a great, and a very strong lady, at our home we call her wonder women of America. Not in my life will I ever see such a great lady, we love her. (GOD BLESS HER)

From Maribeth:

It was indeed Hillary's shining moment in the debate. But she has always performed extraordinarily in her debates, in her speeches, and in the work she has performed for her country for several decades. This is a lady I believe has earned the right to become our next President. She will be the best thing to happen to this country in a long time.

From Anonymous:

I agree with you. I don't know why CNN analysts don't see what you see. I think these people are brain dead. And yes Obama's supporters are delusional. They look at charm and love to hear sweet, beautiful words, but empty. These same people also voted for Bush. Duh.

From Carolyn:

It sounds like Obama's supporter's are saying that you must vote for him because the number one principle is that he is black. Based on that thinking, as we have yet to have a woman President and women had to fight for the right to vote in the USA, we should vote for Hillary just because she is a woman. To not do so would be because the mind set of officials is that women are to be kept in barefoot and pregnant, where they belong. Is it because the clergy are mostly men that we hear a misguided cry for Obama?

Otherwise, the principles that we should be contemplating are just as if we were hiring the best person for a job in our company --- First, which candidate has the most experience to handle the complex issues facing our nation; Second, which candidate has a solid record that can be reviewed; Third, which candidate has the most knowledge of the complex issues facing the nation; Fourth, which candidate has integrity and honesty -- and which is promising pie in the sky and making himself unbelievable or ultra liberal and unaffordable by this company/nation.

From Robbie:

Dear Brody, From the her early service to the children and families of Arkansas, I have watched the kind spirit of Hillary Clinton always in service to God's people. She is driven by her faith to serve God's children.

From Nida:

I agree that we should be voting on our principles and beliefs first on who should be the next President and not swayed by some primaries and caucuses result,  as compared to the news media's,- so called younger, and intellectual voters. I hope the Super Delegates will abide by the rules set forth and vote on principles and beliefs. Thank you.

From Anonymous:

The media treats Hillary below horrible. I am mortified that I cannot allow my grandchildren to watch the commentary of this primary with me because I teach them to be fair and listen to both sides. These people have to be called on their muddy, snickering biases. Get through with the Internet because there is nothing on national news to help her. I listen to C-SPAN and wonder where these people are getting all their negatives from and have figured that the only place is the news. I don't believe them but others must. They elected Bush for a 2nd term, now they want another green horn in just because of what Bill did in the 90s. Fox News is amazing compared to the other two. Never in a million years did I think I would ever say that.
