Obama Mania may turn into Obama Mayhem


The Republican National Committee is the LEAST of Barack Obama’s worries. He needs to worry about what he’s about to be hit with. If he thought the “kitchen sink” strategy was bad, wait until he gets a load of “The All Major Appliances” strategy. What Obama and his campaign need to figure out is whether or not they take the high road, and rather continue to attack John McCain and look like a frontrunner, or do they go tit for tat with Clinton and beat them at their own game?

When it got nasty in South Carolina, Obama fought back, and it worked. This time though, his campaign needs to not only be MORE aggressive going after her, but also get out in front of the news cycle element to all of this. If the Clinton campaign continues to drive the news day after day, he’s on the defensive, and that’s not a good position to be in. 

Now for some positive news for Obama: He leads in pledged delegates, and it is VERY unlikely that he will lose that lead. If he keeps that lead and continues to lead in the popular vote, how does he get the nomination taken away from him? The only way that happens is if the Clinton team exposes some type of smoking gun. (Or manufactures one?)

One final note: Obama will be fighting a political war on three fronts: Clinton, McCain, and the Media. We know how Clinton will go after him. McCain will slam him on national security, too. The media will be poking around constantly. It’s a recipe for disaster for Obama, but so far, he and his campaign have been able to withstand every challenge without melting. Bend, but not break. Can he survive?
