Obama on Pop Culture


Brody File producer Robin Mazyck here with a guest blog.

David Brody recently sat down with Sen. Barack Obama in a one-on-one interview. Brody asked Obama what should be done about the negative tone in today's pop culture.

Watch above, read below:

Obama: The degrading images towards women I think are a problem and when the Imus issue came up, one of the quotes that stirred up a little bit of controversy for me was, sadly, as offensive as what Imus said, was we hear some of that language on the radio in our own communities.

I do think as President you can use the bully pulpit to speak out against some the coarsening aspects of our culture. I am not someone who believes in censorship, but I think there's nothing wrong with speaking out against things that are teaching our kids the wrong lessons.

I want to make sure that when I'm driving along, I don't have to sudeenly fool around with the radio because of an objectionable lyric, or that if I'm watching television that suddenly there's an image on there that's completely inappropriate. That's something that I think all parents struggle with. And it's not a conservative or liberal issue, I think it's just a matter of common sense.

Seriously, when was the last time you listened to the songs on your kid's iPod? And if you did, were you truly able to understand what the songs were about?

We thought Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was bad, but trust me some of the stuff that is out there today makes that song sound like a nursery rhyme.

I know I'm getting old, but wow! Some of the lyrics in today's music may sound harmless, but trust me they are not. If you only knew…

The fact is they're out there and it doesn't look like they're going anywhere anytime soon.
