Dobson Calls Obama's Christian Radio Ad Misleading


James Dobson, President and Founder of Focus on the Family says the radio ad running on Christian radio about Barack Obama is highly seductive and misleading. He made the comments in a radio broadcast this week. Listen to it here.

He also takes the time to criticize Obama's record on abortion and rips into the Matthew 25 Network, the group who is behind the ad. Listen to the ad here.

The radio ad claimed certain people were trying to grab headlines and throw stones at Obama's faith. On The radio broadcast Dobson said the following:

"We are not throwing stones at Senator Obama for his faith. That's off the wall. We are responding to his comments about the Bible and about us and about the Constitution." The later: "We don't want to leave it on the record that we are throwing stones at Senator Obama to grab the headlines."

The Matthew 25 Network has responded to Dobson's comments and you can read those comments first here The Brody File.  A portion, taken from their press release, is below:

He says he is not casting stones at Senator Obama but their segment goes on to say…"the tongue can be deceitful and people don't always speak the truth. And there is some reason to doubt what is we are about to hear."

Then Matthew 25 plays the clips of Senator Obama's speaking about his faith.

Further they say  "We have to question if he is even sincere as he speaks so lovingly about religion."

This radio segment directly casts doubts on Obama's faith and sincerity, but then claim they are not "throwing stones" or "attacking his faith."

Well folks there it is for you.

Obama's concerted effort to reach out to conservative Evangelicals has many in the conservative Evangelical community very concerned.

There are really two concerns. First off, Evangelicals like Dr. Dobson and the millions of people who have similar beliefs think Obama's public service record simply DOES NOT match up with their view of biblical absolutes. That leads me to the second concern. There is frustration in conservative Evangelical circles that the traditional bedrock biblical issues of abortion and marriage are starting to play second fiddle to new issues like climate change, genocide, poverty, etc.

The landscape is getting blurred and that is a threat to them because the innocent unborn baby and God's view of marriage are at the core of their biblical world view. That doesn't mean those other issues aren't a concern too but what we're seeing is a mighty struggle between two competing views. The question is: is there room enough for ALL of these concerns to be addressed in a real and substantial way without all the bickering?

Maybe it's time to call on Rodney King from the LA riots back in the 1990s. Click here.
