The Big Week Ahead


Well I’m back from vacation. I had a great time. I spoke in Berlin just like Obama but only my mother , wife and a few Brody File groupies showed up.

Full Disclaimer: I did not speak in Berlin. For that matter, I didn’t even visit Berlin.

No instead I was in the conservative Evangelical capitol of the World….New York City. The upper west side to be exact. I kept looking for an Evangelical but couldn’t fine one. I did find someone raising their hands looking like they were worshipping but alas they were getting robbed.

A lot happened while I was gone. John McCain went to Sturgis, S.D. So much for any evangelical pandering with that move.

John Edwards revealed he’s a liar and a cheater. Imagine what Hillary Clinton supporters think now. If only this had come out in August of ’07 not August of ’08.

At least McCain and Obama didn’t announce their VP selections. Imagine being on vacation during that. I would have had to cancel the Chuck e Cheese dinner and make my way to a studio. Oy-vey!

On Wednesday of this week, I head to southern California to cover the McCain/Obama/Rick Warren “Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion."  The event takes place Saturday but The Brody File team will be previewing the story on Friday and recapping it on Monday for The 700 Club. The Monday piece will run a good five minutes as we take a look at the potential crossroads for the Evangelical movement.

After California, it’s back to DC for just a couple days and then fourteen straight days on the road for both the Democratic and Republican conventions. Time to saddle up. Everybody talks about how the spring to Election Day starts on Labor Day. Forget that. For The Brody File it starts now. A busy, busy time.

Click here to see what I will be bringing with me on the road. Also, click here to get a glimpse of what life will be like in the next 90 days.
