The New Buzz Word is 'Erratic'


Barack Obama's campaign is now calling John McCain's behavior "erratic." Many of Obama's surrogates are repeating that same word on the cable TV shows. Read below from Obama's national spokesman Bill Burton:

"On the economy, McCain's words and actions over the course of the past week have illuminated his lack of expertise. He admitted he does not understand the economy - his erratic, out-of-touch behavior this week, his failure to do anything of substance to move the agreement forward on the bailout, and his commitment to continuing Bush economic policies demonstrate it."

Or this one from Burton:

"During the most serious economic crisis of our time, we don't need erratic posturing, we need steady leadership to protect American taxpayers and put our economy back on track."

So what is the definition of erratic? Webster's Dictionary defines it this way:

"Having no fixed course" or "characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or uniformity" or "transported from an original resting place especially by a glacier."

I don't think they're referring to the glacier definition but tonight's debate may be cold as ice.
