Exclusive: 'Pro-Life, Pro-Obama' Web site Unveiled


Barack Obama may be pro-choice, but don't tell that to the Matthew 25 Network. They are a PAC supporting Barack Obama for president and they believe his policies are definitely pro-life.

The Brody File has been give an exclusive sneak peek to the Web site "Pro-Life, Pro-Obama." Check it out here.

The Democratic Party has been making this pro-life case for a long time now, not just with Obama, but with Democrats who want to see abortion reduced in this country. They don't want to get hung up on Roe v. Wade. The Web site lays out their case in a succinct and pretty easy to understand way.

But this Web site is going to tick off the pro-life community because this is pretty in your face. Calling Obama "pro-life" won't go down well with conservative Evangelicals. Additionally, it will be really interesting to see the fallout and reaction from this, especially from the McCain campaign.

Folks, faithful Democrats and Republicans both want abortion to be a thing of the past. The question is really how we get there. Through the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade or by other methods? A combination of both? Prayer?

All that said, you have to hand it to the folks at the Matthew 25 Network. They are making an impact during this election cycle. They are doing something that really hasn’t been done before. They have put together an actual political faith action committee devoted to the faith principles they believe should be important to all Christians. They are an active participant in impacting the faith discussion in this country. They will take their hits from conservative Evangelicals, but I guess in this high stakes election and in this changing faith discussion that is to be expected.
