Huckabee: Prop 8 Passed Because of Prayer


Huckabee says that Proposition 8 passed in California due to prayer. Here's the quote from Mike Huckabee:

"There's no way in the world ... that there should have been Proposition 8, make it to the ballot, that was the first miracle, and then for it to pass and it happened because there were people like Lou (Engle, found of "The Call" movement) and others on their faces before God who prayed,"

Gingrich says he is compelled to speak out against the "secular fanatics who are trying to destroy our relationship with God in American life."

The Gingrich quote is below:

"You cannot look at America as a secular society and make any sense of our history, so I just thought on behalf of my grandchildren, on behalf of my country, that I was compelled to get back into the arena to take on the secular fanatics who are trying to destroy our relationship with God."

"Put your faith in God. Seek your courage from God. Recognize that you're never alone and then with the help of your Creator, stand up for that which you know is true and do so fearlessly because in fact God will protect you."