Exclusive: Details Inside Donald Trump's Prayer Meeting With Christian Pastors


The Brody File has learned that more than two-dozen Christian pastors gathered together with Donald Trump in his New York office Thursday night, holding hands and praying during a remarkable two and a half hour meeting.

The prayer session lasted about 20 minutes. The pastors prayed that God would give Trump strength and keep his heart and mind open so that he can hear the message of God in the future.

They also told him that he would have to have strength in God to endure this, “evil process.” (Referring to the 2012 presidential election.)

The Rev. Paula White, a longtime friend of Trump, organized the meeting. Due to the private nature of the meeting, the names of the other pastors in the room will not be revealed at this time. But Michael Cohen, Trump’s executive vice president and special counsel, tells The Brody File that the group was made up of some “elite” Evangelical pastors, as well as some of their wives.

Cohen said the meeting began with Trump asking everyone in the room to introduce themselves. Then Trump took about 45 minutes talking about his church, relationship with God, and his Christian upbringing.

He also talked about key domestic and international issues. He then opened up the meeting where pastors had a chance to ask questions. That portion lasted about an hour.

Among some of what the group of pastors told Trump:

• He would have to look to God to forgive people for their transgressions, especially when Trump’s interest is only in helping America.

• One pastor said that God has clearly put the desire in Trump’s heart to run for the presidency.

• The pastors cautioned Trump that the price tag (both economically and spiritually) of running for president is substantially more than any of the other people who will run for president.

• They told Trump that America needs to restore its brand of greatness and said the country is bleeding.

• The pastors cautioned Trump that he will need to take every negative thrown at him and turn it in to a positive.