Hit Job by ABC News Against Michele Bachmann and Conservative Christians?


Ladies and gentlemen, we have found Exhibit A when it comes to media bias against conservative evangelical Christians. Congratulations to Brian Ross and his ABC News Investigative Unit!

Ross and the crew decided to do an “undercover investigation” about the use of reparative therapy at the Christian clinic owned by Michele and Marcus Bachmann. It is designed to convert gays back to heterosexuality through prayer and a therapeutic clinical process.

First of all, you’re kidding me right? They did an undercover investigation to make the point that the healing power of Jesus Christ can transform lives? That’s what passes for an undercover investigation nowadays? Oy-gevalt.

Secondly, let’s search for editorial balance in the piece. OK. I’m done. There wasn’t any.

Everyone they interviewed supported the pro-homosexual viewpoint. Additionally, they identified Clinton Anderson as a doctor with the American Psychological Association. Back up.

Actually, upon further Brody File research his full title is, “Director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns Office” within the American Psychological Association. His professional bio lists a bunch of pro-homosexual legislation that he has been active pursuing during his career. Don’t you think they should have at least mentioned his full title? C’mon.

Thirdly, Ross and the gang decided to title the piece, "Michele Bachmann Clinic: Where You Can Pray Away the Gay?,” Nice stereotype. The old question mark slogan on the chyron. Oy.

Finally,in terms of the conservative evangelical response, ABC News and Ross’s crew could have mentioned the group Exodus International who defines its mission as, “Mobilizing the body of Christ to minister grace and truth to a world impacted by homosexuality.”

They could have done an on-camera interview with someone from the organization but even if they didn’t, how about a quick Google search? Has the investigative unit heard of that? They would have discovered the following on the Exodus International website:

Exodus International believes… that the decision to leave homosexuality is not about one particular method, but ultimately about a relationship with Jesus Christ and a resolution to live in congruence with biblical teaching on sexuality. Reparative therapy — a holistic, counseling method used by a minority of counseling professionals in addressing unwanted same-sex attraction — may be one of many tools helpful to some in this process. It is not the sole approach used, nor is it essential for one to live a life beyond homosexuality. We believe homosexuality to be a multi-causal, developmental issue and that any individual can experience freedom through the support of caring individuals and the healing power of Jesus Christ.

So now we have a bigger picture here don’t we? Reparative therapy is one possible tool. The real emphasis is coming into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Brian Ross’s team has won a lot of awards. Hey, I’ve seen many of his reports and they’ve normally been pretty solid but what happened here? This week they just won another award: Best “Hit Job” of 2011.