Brody File Video Exclusive: Rick Perry Says Getting Criticized for Being a Christian is 'an Honor' and Forgives Media


Reporting from Sioux City Iowa tonight:

The Brody File hopped on board Rick Perry’s bus in Dennison, Iowa, Wednesday and the Republican presidential candidate told me that he forgives the media for criticizing him and understands that as a Christian, “when you are being criticized, consider it an honor.”

He goes on to say that, “one of my values is being a Christian and we're going to get criticized for that. I mean 2,000 years ago we knew we were going to get criticized for standing up for the values Jesus Christ talked about.”

Both the interview clip and transcription are below:

Rick Perry is heavily saturating Iowa television with campaign ads. He’s spending major bucks because he knows his campaign is pretty much Iowa or bust. Perry will be hopping around the state through the Iowa Caucus on Jan. 3.

Does he have a shot? He could possibly place top three based on all the money he’s throwing down but it’s a crowded field. Ron Paul is a force here along with Bachmann. Santorum keeps plugging away and then, of course, there is Gingrich and Romney. He’s got his work cut out for him.

David Brody: What have those conversations been like with God, so to speak, when people in the media and others have taken hits at you in some of those low times? You know, in some of those debates and things. What does that prayer life that you've been dealing with, what's that been like?

Rick Perry: It's when, for me, when you are being criticized consider it an honor. That's the scriptural part of it. Listen, I stand up for my values and one of my values is being a Christian and we're going to get criticized for that. I mean 2,000 years ago we knew we were going to get criticized for standing up for the values Jesus Christ talked about.

But I can no more divorce myself from those values than I can my upbringing. I'm the son of two tenant farmers. You can't change that. That's who I am. So, when I went all in with God, I went all in. Thank goodness he is a forgiving God. I sit here before you as a flawed sinner and by the grace of God I've been forgiven and so I forgive them for not understanding.