Exclusive: Rick Santorum on Brody File Set: 'I like Mitt Romney...I have no personal problem with Mitt'


Rick Santorum tells The Brody File that he actually likes Mitt Romney and goes on to say that, “I think he will make a great contribution to this country, I hope it's at some capacity within my administration in the future, but I have no personal problem with Mitt, and wish him the very best."

Santorum ventured into Brody File studios this morning in D.C. Watch below and read the full transcription as well.

The full interview will air on this week’s 30-minute Brody File television show.

David Brody: There has been a lot of vitriol in this campaign, on both sides. And Romney's campaign, they've run a lot of negative ads.

Rick Santorum: Tens of millions of dollars, yeah.

Brody: But here's my question to you. Let me ask you, do you like Mitt Romney? As a guy? Do you know him? What is your deal? Because there have been a lot of negative things said.

Santorum: I talked to Mitt Romney Saturday night. We had a very cordial conversation. The media was actually around me because I was at a bar in Green Bay when I talked about the results of Louisiana, and the press was gathered around, they heard the conversation.

My conversations with Mitt are cordial. One of the things I've really kept, this is not about personal relationships, it's about differences on policy, differences on vision for the country, and I try to keep it not personal.

And I like Mitt Romney, I think he will make a great contribution to this country, I hope it's at some capacity within my administration in the future, but I have no personal problem with Mitt, and wish him the very best.