Paul Ryan Exclusive: Explains Why Romney Campaign Won't Reveal Tax Loopholes


Below is part of The Brody File exclusive interview with vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan. The interview was done Friday at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.

Mandatory Courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File

The Brody File’s national piece on Paul Ryan airs on "The 700 Club" Monday morning. In addition, a fuller version of the interview can be seen on The Brody File TV Show this coming Friday at 9:30 a.m. on the ABC Family Channel.

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On Why Romney/Ryan Team Won’t Detail Tax Loopholes:

David Brody: There are some conservatives that have spoken out saying they want to see some more specifics from the Romney/Ryan team and one thing that comes up, at least from the liberals is tax loopholes. Is there a reason you guys aren’t naming specific tax loopholes?

Paul Ryan: Yes because we want to get it done. Look, I’ve been on the Ways and Means Committee for 12 years. I’m very familiar with how to make successful tax reforms take place. Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neil did it in 1986 but we haven’t done it since 1986 for lots of reasons, which is we don’t want to presume to say, ‘Here’s exactly our way or the highway take it or leave it Congress.’ We want to say this is our vision, lower tax rates across the board for families and small businesses and work on the loopholes that are enjoyed by the higher income earners, take away their tax shelters so more of their income is subject to taxation.

That lowers everybody’s tax rates. And we have to be able to work with Congress on those details, on how to fill it in and, more to the point, we don’t want to cut some backroom deal that they did with Obamacare where we hatched some plan behind the scenes and they spring it on the country.

We want to do this in front, in the public, through congressional hearings with Congress so that we can get to the best conclusion with a public participation. That’s the process that works the best to ultimate success gets this done. That’s why we’re doing it this way.