Kim Davis And The “Smelling Salts” Moment For Evangelicals In America


The image was priceless. Kim Davis with her hands raised in victory, thanking Jesus. The scene played out in front of thousands that gathered in Grayson, Kentucky, and in front of millions watching on TV. In her mind and in the hearts and minds of millions of evangelicals, God delivered her out of jail.

Liberals may call her a lawbreaker (and far worse if you spend a few minutes on Twitter) but to most evangelicals this woman took a stand for the biblical definition of marriage and won. Jesus set her free.

Now, I know. I know. Liberals will say the victory is temporary, that she’ll be back in jail soon if she doesn’t behave nicely.

Look, can we get real for a moment? Liberals, if she ends up back in jail, do you really think that's a victory for you? Hardly. If she goes back to the slammer, the evangelical voices and mobilization will just increase exponentially.

No, if Kim Davis goes back to jail, the sleeping giant (evangelicals in America) will arise even more. Trust me, that's the last thing liberals want. Evangelicals, especially pastors in the pulpit have been relatively silent as the culture has deteriorated for decades. Don't you want them to stay sleeping? You're playing with fire.

Truthfully, Evangelicals have been asleep at the wheel for decades. Sure, there are many that are engaged civically and vote but most don't. There are roughly 90 million evangelicals in this country. Only half of them are registered to vote. And half of those actually vote.

You want me to do the math? That means roughly 65 million evangelicals don't even vote in this country! So evangelicals need to look in the mirror first before casting blame elsewhere. Imagine if millions more actually turned out and voted biblical values. It would have meant no second term for President Obama, therefore no Sonia Sotomayer and Elena Kagan and thus no 5-4 Supreme Court decision in favor of gay marriage. Get the picture?

Look, I was there in Kentucky. What happened Tuesday was remarkable on an emotional level. Evangelicals finally had a religious victory in the public square to celebrate, at least for now.

But it's a much larger picture than that. What happened in Grayson, Kentucky, can truly be a watershed moment for evangelicals in this country if they truly realize what is at stake. Christianity is under attack in America. Religious liberty is under attack. Your right to religious conscience is under attack.

The Kim Davis event very well may be a "smelling salts" moment for the evangelical community. In other words, just like "smelling salts" revive a person back after they've fainted, maybe seeing a woman jailed for her standing strong for her faith (sorry liberals that's what it is) will revive evangelicals in this country.

Maybe, just maybe the Kim Davis incident woke them up realizing they may be next. Or their family member. Or the person that sits next to them at church.

Will it happen? I don’t know. What I do know is this: the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage has made it crystal clear that there will be more "Kim Davis" stories in the future. How many will it take before evangelicals decide to get busy and fight?

If they do, watch out liberals. You’re out numbered.