Brody File Observations from the RNC and DNC Conventions


After now being at both the RNC and DNC conventions, I’ve come to two realizations. First of all, the democrats are even more divided than the republicans. Why? Because the Bernie Sanders supporters are part of an emotional political movement that requires a lot more work to get them back in the fold. Their hatred toward the rigged system and distrust of Hillary Clinton is GREATER than the animosity those in the GOP have towards Trump. I’m not saying the #NeverTrump folks are coming around but it’s not as big of a movement compared to the Sanders revolution. And it sure doesn’t have the same momentum.

Secondly, I’ve learned that there are just two movements in this country that mattered in 2016: The Bernie Sanders revolution and Donald Trump’s ‘Silent Majority.’ That’s it. Cruz did not have a movement. Hillary does not have a movement. The energy is with Trump and Sanders. So where does that leave us?

Here’s the bottom line: Hillary Clinton is in trouble. When you have a presidential nominee with energy and a movement behind him (Trump) vs. a nominee that her own party can’t get excited about, it becomes a recipe for disaster. Bernie Sanders supporters told me this week their biggest fear is that Trump will beat Clinton because she’s the only one he can actually beat. They believe she’s that weak of a candidate. They have a good point.