700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Amanda Reed's severe stomach pains baffled doctors and derailed her life until a prayer on TV caught her attention.

Since early childhood, Marie Notcheva was obsessed with keeping her weight in check. This led to a 10 year struggle with bulimia that put her life in...

Fears of economic Armageddon plagued much of 2011. Mindful of current global unrest, some experts say America's financial future is up in the air.

CBN and Regent staff and faculty gather to pray for the new year and to hear Pat's thoughts on what lies ahead for 2012.

CBN and Regent staff gathered for the dedication of Regent University's newest addition, the University Chapel slated for a 2013 debut.

Pastor and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn will discuss the ancient mysteries that ties the secret of America’s future to Israel’s eight century as revealed in...

CBN joined with Orphans Promise and instituted a training program called 3-3-5 for children to guard against child sexual abuse in Thailand.

Actress Nancy Stafford shares heart-warming stories based on the history behind Christmas tree ornaments made by her mother.

Gordon Robertson continues The Quest for God teaching series with a look at The Oracle of Delphi.

700 Club co-host Kristi Watts shares her special Christmas mac n’ cheese recipe.

Doctors frantically tried to restart Ken’s heart for 45 minutes. Death seemed certain. See what happened when the E.R. staff joined Ken’s wife in...

The challenges resulting from a premature birth had the Johnson family wondering if baby Gabrielle would ever come home.

Author Ace Collins shares the history behind the Christmas stocking.

Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, joins us to discuss his father's most recent book, Nearing Home.

An awkward landing after a simple fall left Jose Lloret with an injured tailbone. He anguished for months until he came across Kristi Watts praying...

Dania developed eye problems when she was 13 and she suddenly went blind. Operation Blessing paid for her eye surgery and her sight has been...


Full Episodes

Ross Johnston was raised by two mothers, but his life was transformed by the Father’s love. Plus, see how China is using a combat-free strategy...

A runner collapses and her husband attempts CPR. First responders find no pulse. See how she survives after being unconscious for twenty-eight...

Retired professional wrestler Hulk Hogan gets excited when talking about his relationship with Jesus. See why he’s all the way in with Christ as his...

Revisit the true story of America’s first settlers and hear the prayer that build a nation. Plus, one woman’s dream about Jesus transforms her past....

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