700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Drew and Lynn Manning will discuss how Drew left his fitness regimen for a weight journey and how his 75 pound weight gain, then loss affected his...

Anger fueled Thomas White to the point that he made a deal with the devil in hopes of achieving success in his heavy metal music. When the pursuit of...

Jamie and Bobby Deen will discuss their love of family, and summer cooking for family and friends. Their book is entitled “Deen Bros. Get Fired Up.”

700 Club Interactive talks to dads about the experience of fatherhood and what inspiration these dads pull from the relationships they have with...

Stranded at sea with several family members 20 miles off the coast of SC, Rex Willimon got a real life lesson on the power of prayer.

Entrepreneurs Ed and Ellen Schack launched not one, but two successful businesses since 2004. They attribute their success to specific financial...

Working as a seamstress, Reina often had to sew long hours into the night while trying not to wake her family. Discover what happened to make Reina’s...

What does Christmas mean to children? We decided to ask a few of them and find out.

A couple adopts a baby from Africa and witnesses a miracle in her life and theirs.

A teacher watches the new Superbook with her granddaughters to start spiritual conversations.

It was a family reunion 15 years in the making between a deadbeat dad and the son who was ready for a fight.

He had 12 strokes. His heart stopped beating. Nobody expects little Mason Ikirt to survive... no one except for his four-year-old sister.

His wife looked for him on the streets, in crack dens and prayed every night that Dorian would come home.

He’s a two-time heavyweight boxing champion. But George Foreman will be the first to tell you the most important title he’s ever held is “Dad.”

Pranee had struggled to provide for her elderly mother and 4 children ever since her husband’s death. Just as she was about to give up, help arrived...

Newlyweds Scott and Brandi Spires started life together with credit card debt, student loans – and a job loss. Then, in a moment, they received a...


Full Episodes

A lonely wife finds attention outside of her marriage. See how her husband reacts to the confession on today’s 700 Club.

An 18-year-old receives a life sentence for second-degree murder. He’s sent to the ‘Alcatraz of the South, “ Angola in Louisiana. See his journey to...

“The Queen of Clean Comedy,” Chonda Pierce shares why life is funny…until it’s not. Then, an 8-year-old suffers an aneurysm, and his parents are told...

A woman grapples with conflicting desires: one pulling her towards the temptations of the world and the other towards her devotion to God. See how a...


Follow Dr Ming Wang’s journey from an atheist immigrant to a world-renowned humanitarian. Plus, A boy facing lifelong paralysis ventures from the...

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