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The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Nutrition expert and author Keri Glassman translates cutting-edge science into an easy-to-do program that will leave dieters energetic, healthy and...

Caleb Kinchlow goes "In the Green Room" with Sports Reporter Shawn Brown during Media Day at Super Bowl XLVII in New Orleans.

Is it to late to ask Christ for forgiveness and is there more to existence after death? "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become...

CBN Sports is behind the scenes bringing stories of faith from the Super Bowl XLVII in New Orleans.

Nutrition expert Keri Glassman translates cutting-edge science into an easy-to-do diet program. Plus, CBN Sports is behind the scenes bringing...

Survivor and author Theresa Flores shares her story of trafficking and slavery while living in an upper-middle class suburb of Detroit, Michigan.

Fashion designer Katie Martinez took a leap of faith in 2010 bringing together elegance and t-shirts with a mission to fight sex trafficking.

Did Jesus pre-exist in Heaven before he was born on earth? What was his role? Is this true that there are different levels of Hell? I've heard many...

Fashion designer Katie Martinez brings elegance and t-shirts together with a mission to fight sex trafficking. Plus, survivor and Author Theresa...

How can I have faith in something that doesn't show me proof that my prayers are heard, or proof that things are changing? What does it mean to love...

Founder of CareFamily Tom Knox shares how family caregivers can get direct help at home to care for their aging loved ones.

Founder of CareFamily Tom Knox shares how family caregivers can get direct help at home. Plus, Mary Neal describes her experience of heaven after...

Mary Neal describes her experience of heaven and angels after drowning in a kayaking accident.

Russell found the secret to getting everything he needs—without all the anxiety he was used to. It took faith to live the adventure… it can...

Jeff built a successful house-flipping business. But when the housing market crashed, he lost over 100 thousand dollars on one house. Jeff made a...

When DL’s and Deborah’s business crashed with the housing market, they were millions in debt, and forced to declare bankruptcy. Despite circumstances...


Full Episodes

A runner collapses and her husband attempts CPR. First responders find no pulse. See how she survives after being unconscious for twenty-eight...

Retired professional wrestler Hulk Hogan gets excited when talking about his relationship with Jesus. See why he’s all the way in with Christ as his...

Revisit the true story of America’s first settlers and hear the prayer that build a nation. Plus, one woman’s dream about Jesus transforms her past....

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