700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

The Founder and President of Wealth Watchers discusses how to account for your money and keep more than you spend. Also, a dirty cop comes clean.

Steve Doocy from Fox and Friends talks about fatherhood. A woman is one phone call away from suicide. Plus, more inspirational stories.

A former U.S. Senator's wife talks about her brutal rape and learning to forgive. A Jehovah's Witness questions his faith. Also, CBN News reports on...

Dr. Michael Roizen returns to The 700 Club to discuss health pregnancy. Also, CBN News reports on a town fighting to keep the lights out.

A man is stung by a jellyfish and has a vision of heaven. A woman tries to avoid a life of prostitution but falls prey to its temptations. Also, CBN...

Gary V. sings from his new album, Rebirth. Also, see a testimony about a man who cried out to God to be delivered from homosexuality.

Dr. Travis Stork from The Bachelor and The Doctors talks about women's health. An African American astronaunt shares her journey to space. Also, CBN...

A former prostitute reunites with the family she left behind. A woman learns to forgive her abusive mother. Also, CBN News reports on The Rock Church...

Anthony Manganiello, author of The Debt-Free Millionaire, talks finances. A woman is raised with an openly gay father. Also, CBN News interviews The...

On today's special Evening Edition of "The 700 Club": CBN News reports on the latest updates on the Florida primary, and more.

A drug binge put Carl Knighton at death's doorstep. The result was an experience of hell that changed his life forever. Plus, hear from the actors...

Doctors called the family to say goodbye to little Jarrott. His parents were praying for one last move of God.

Pastors John and Carol Arnott return to The 700 Club to discuss honoring the anointing. Dr. Ben Carson talks about his new film. Also, CBN News...

Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary shares 21-day financial plan. Also, a pro wrestler has the match of his life.

A heartless thug gets a second chance. A broken relationship is restored. Also, CBN News reports on a small town with high marriage rates.

CBN News talks to Jenny Sanford, wife of the South Carolina governor whose affair made headlines. Also, see an interview with Austin Carty from...


Full Episodes

A woman receives a shocking report from the doctor and is told she has a year left to live. Her shock turns to anger as she struggles to survive, but...

A child given up at birth uncovers his family’s secret. Witness the shocking truth about his mother and witness their joyful reunion on today’s 700...

A husband must restrain his wife as a brain bleed causes unbearable pressure and pain. See the battle against time and the fight to save her life on...

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