Christian Living

sharetheprayer 03/06/08

Finding Time for Prayer

Our mutual goal is that you will see the incredible blessings in your life by committing to just 5 minutes a day. This will encourage you to continue this wonderful new habit for the rest of your life.

We know that people are very busy. We too have wacky schedules. The two of us pray at the airport, or, sometimes, over the kitchen sink. If we’re apart, over the phone. Of course we relish those days when we can calmly sink into our favorite loveseat, talk things over with God, and have time to read another segment of ageless wisdom in the Bible.

You should try to keep a journal of your 40 day experience. Write down your prayer requests. You’ll be amazed when you go back and read it, six months from now how many prayers God has answered.

Write and let us know how the prayer challenge is going for you.

Good wishes and godwinks.

SQuire and Louise

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