Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Prayer

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Devotionals on Prayer

We live in a world where suffering seems all too familiar to many of us. We can learn and apply many truths and healing principles to our lives by...

We need to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ and seek God for what is eternally important. When we lose the things that bind us...

What happens when we feel our prayers are unanswered? Life as we know it can get flipped upside down, and God may ask us to step out in obedience—...

Listening is an important aspect of prayer. Since God is all-knowing and all-powerful, it’s important to stop and hear what He has to say. God rarely...

What are you called to do for Christ? What are you called to do for the kingdom? Whatever it is, rise up and do it. Rise up as Jesus rose and...

Do you have unmet needs? Disappointments? Shattered dreams? Some of us long to go back to a time when life was full of joy. Be encouraged that we can...

Prayer is a powerful weapon in the life of the believer. When we pray, it unlocks God’s power to move in our lives. Do you find yourself praying only...

Have you ever considered how extraordinary it is that we get to talk to God regularly? It's awe-inspiring when you think about how God hears our...

What do you think of when you hear Jesus' words "Thy kingdom come," in the Lord's Prayer? Most of us envision the future. Glean fresh inspiration...

We expect to hear from God when we're in church, participating in community prayer or worship services. But what are our expectations of our morning...


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