
Attempts to stifle or censor free speech in the United States are constant. The latest comes from the Republican governor of Arizona.This week state legislators approved a bill that would protect the free speech rights of journalism students. Members of both the Arizona House and Senate felt it was unfair and inappropriate for the journalists to be penalized for what they write or say.The legislation would have forbidden school officials from restricting the distribution of media and imposing disciplinary measures in retribution for critical content.


El deseo de cuidar la vida y la salud, debe prevalecer en nosotros a la hora de disponernos a disfrutar del verano, especialmente cuando decidimos ir con nuestras familias a la playa. Antes de salir, déle un vistazo a estos sencillos consejos y disfrute plenamente cada verano!


Un chico se entera a muy corta edad que era adoptado. Él nos cuenta que no podía creerlo y su madre lo negó. Con el tiempo, la incertidumbre creció en su vida, hasta que un hecho fortuito le reveló la verdad de su origen. Aquí te lo contamos.


Young actress Alena Pitts may be best known for her powerful performance alongside Priscilla Shirer in the hit film "War Room." She is also a model and a guest contributor to a couple of magazines. 


<p>A day after a top Iraqi general declared "their fictitious state" had fallen, experts are warning ISIS could still pose a significant security threat in Syria, Iraq and the broader Middle East.</p>

Hospital Shooting

Multiple people shot at NY hospital. One person has been killed, and others are wounded. The gunman is dead as well. 

ISIS Terrorists 2

A day after a top Iraqi general declared "their fictitious state" had fallen, experts are warning ISIS could still pose a significant security threat in Syria, Iraq and the broader Middle East.


<p>The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the parents of Charlie Gard, a terminally ill child, can't take him to America for experimental treatment, upholding a UK court's ruling in favor of doctors who want the baby taken off life support.</p>


<p>For the first time in 25 years, the Israeli government broke ground on a new community in Judea and Samaria. It's meant to replace a disputed community evacuated earlier this year.</p>


Have you ever wondered why Israel is so important in God's plan?  Or has the Church itself replaced Israel in the scriptures?  Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer, author of Why Israel?, dispels the notion of replacement theology and gives a clear biblical understanding of Israel. 
