
Choosing a name for your child can cause loads of anxiety. According to The Guardian, one out of every five moms would give their child a different name if they had to do it all over again.


Rabbi Johnathan Cahn and 400 other Christians were thrown off the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City after marking its connection to the Bible and to the Jewish people.


President-elect Donald Trump holds more meetings at Trump Tower ahead of expected cabinet announcements next week.


A bomb exploded outside a Catholic church in the southern Philippines, and a Filipino cardinal called it "terrorism." Meanwhile, clergy in the capital of Manila say masses could be canceled because of a greater threat of attacks.


Students from one high school in Atlanta found solace in a well known Christmas song, "Mary Did You Know," during the severe storms on Wednesday. 


<p>Gatlinburg, Tennesee&nbsp;has suffered from devastating fires this week, where 11 people have died. Many have also lost their homes completely and have had to evacuate the area.&nbsp;</p>


Gatlinburg, Tennesee has suffered from devastating fires this week, where 11 people have died. Many have also lost their homes completely and have had to evacuate the area. 


On this edition of CBN News Showcase, we take you behind the scenes of the organizations that are powering the current pro-life movement in America. Join us as we pray for the unborn and believe for the end of the abortion industry.


Jailed for preaching the Gospel: Meet the Christians who spent months chained up in one of the worst prisons in Iran and hear their story of faith and survival. Plus, Cubans look to the future after the death of Fidel Castro. What does it mean for the country and its church? And, radical Muslims ransack a Christian church in the heart of Israel. See why the pastor continues to put her hope in God.


Despues de la muerte de Fidel Castro, que podria traer el future inmediato a la iglesia Cubana, lo analizamos en esta edicion. El paso del huracan Otto por Costa Rica dejo una estela de destruccion pero la iglesia se une para ayudar. La generacionde los milenios déjà en Segundo plano la importancia del matrimonio..
