
In the new film "Little Boy," little Pepper Busby learns life lessons about God and faith through his efforts to do the impossible -- end a war and bring his father home.


U.S. President Barack Obama plans to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House after Israel's new government is formed and the international powers have secured a permanent deal with the Iranians.


Italian police have arrested 20 people suspected of membership in an al Qaeda-linked terror ring in Italy. Cops say some members of the ring are responsible for "numerous bloody acts of terrorism in Pakistan."


Despite tough battles in Iraq, with wins and losses, the influence of ISIS -- and other radical Islamist groups -- is still scoring victories by making new converts from other countries.


More controversy is arising over the Clinton Foundation and its relationship with wealthy foreign contributors while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.


President Barack Obama is calling for a full review of the U.S. drone strikes that accidentally killed two hostages in Pakistan back in January.


The high court will hear cases this month that will likely determine whether gay marriage will become a legal nationwide.  Some believe the justices have already made up their minds. But others say the matter is far from decided.


Three friends fell through the ice of the frozen lake in their neighborhood. When 14-year-old John was the only one left trapped, his family prayed for a miracle.


As seen on "The 700 Club," April 24: ISIS gaining ground in soliciting recruits; Report ties Clintons to Russian uranium deal in US; The Supreme Court's mind made up on gay marriage?; and more.


On CBN News Weekend, April 25: The U.S. border patrol is bracing for another mad rush of immigrants. Meanwhile the Italian coast guard is having a hard time stoppping a dangerous human trafficking operation in the Mediterranean.
