
Provincial Reconstruction Teams are fanning out across Iraq to bring the next phase of progress and healing to that country. These groups of soldiers and DOD civilians are the elite forces most needed now to stake down the gains that have been made. Their weapons? Things like chickens, construction tools and now computers.


The founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman, would like to see global warming proponent Al Gore and companies that sell "carbon credits" sued for fraud. Coleman, who founded the Weather Channel in 1982, and who thinks Global Warming is bogus, believes that climate change advocates and their scientists would fail to convince a judge of their scientific "evidence" in a court of law.


March 10 is rarely a day that goes unnoticed in Tibet.  As the annual anniversary of the Dalai Lama was sent into exile, Tibetan activists and sympathizers will generally stage a protest of some sort, which results in some minor headlines, but generally no permanent damage. 


This word just coming in late on a Friday night. Obama's good friend and controversial pastor Jeremiah Wright is no longer with the Obama campaign. Spokesman Tommy Veitor says he will no longer serve on the African American Religious Leadership Committee.


class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt">Let’s break down Barack Obama’s statement a little bit.


Barack Obama's campaign has sent The Brody File here at CBN News a statement regarding the controversy swirling around his former pastor Jeremiah Wright.


The Brody File received an e-mail this morning from a key Democratic strategist who tells me the following when it comes to the controversy surrounding Barack Obama's pastor:


Barack Obama has rejected some of the controversial comments coming from his pastor, Jeremiah Wright. I think it's fair to say that Obama's response has not been forceful or strong enough as he even compared him to the old family uncle who makes disagreeable statements from time to time. But there are some lingering questions.


Religious leaders from across the faith and ideological spectrum today invited Senators Clinton, McCain and Obama to participate in an unprecedented bipartisan presidential candidate forum at Messiah College near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on the evening of Sunday, April 13 -- just nine days before the Pennsylvania primary.   Now more than ever, Americans motivated by faith are bridging ideological divides to address domestic and international poverty, global AIDS, climate change, aborti


You will notice the pulpit is draped in African cloth, the lecterns, altar and the main pulpit lectern, along with the pastor’s chair. These areas are covered because the words and rituals of the sacred were practiced behind, before and in these physical spaces. During the Pastor’s Word, all of the pulpit chairs will be removed except the center chair. No one,including Pastor Moss, will sit in the pulpit! We honor this space where our Senior Pastor provided ministry, encouragement an
