A new Internet company called iChristianAuctions.com is working to create a "Christian eBay" with the goal of giving back to the world's struggling and impoverished while glorifying God.
The Standard & Poor's rating agency reports the rising wealth gap in the United States is slowing economic growth, but changing the tax code to narrow the gap isn't the answer.
More than a third of Americans are falling far behind on their debts, so far behind that those debts are being reported to collection agencies, a new Urban Institute study revealed.
Hundreds of companies are bringing production home to the United States instead of chasing cheap labor. But are government regulations standing in the way?
Author Wayne Allyn Root says that under President Obama the once unstoppable American economy is coming to a screeching halt.
Recreational marijuana retail shops open in Washington state Tuesday, and pot shop owners are already worried they won't be able to meet the demand.
The world's biggest oil producer isn't Saudi Arabia or any other Middle Eastern country it's the United States.
You don't have to be an expert to notice costs for many essentials are at an all-time high. From gas to food, Americans can expect to pay even more in coming months.
Economists predict the U.S. economy will grow to 3.5 percent this summer and stay above 3 percent the rest of the year.
Federal regulations are becoming so burdensome that they're weighing down the American economy, the vice president of Competitive Enterprise Institute warns.