
The Hill reports the White House will allow insurers to keep offering health care plans that don't meet the law's requirements.


Lois Lerner declined to answer questions from a House panel seeking to get to the bottom the agency's targeting of the Tea Party and other conservative groups.


Members of the American Foreign Service Association are meeting to discuss concerns about some of President Barack Obama's ambassadorial nominees.


President Barack Obama's $3.9 trillion budget plan aims to cut tax breaks for the wealthy while extending tax credits for the working poor.


The Tea Party movement marked its fifth anniversary Thursday with vows to route President Barack Obama and the GOP establishment.


Members of Congress and constitutional law experts are warning President Barack Obama is taking over powers that should belong to Congress.


The House committee investigating the Internal Revenue Service's illegal targeting of conservative groups is recalling former IRS official Lois Lerner.


Faced with an international firestorm, the White House is mulling four options for restructuring the NSA phone spying program. Is it a sign of greater transparency?


House Republicans are set to unveil a plan to simplify the tax code.


The U.S. Supreme Court is delaying action in the case of the German home school family seeking to continue asylum in America.
