
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has begun turning over documents in the probe of a recent plot to block traffic near the George Washington Bridge.


House Republican leaders are laying out a blueprint for immigration reform, trying to gain support from other GOP House members.


President Barack Obama delivered his fifth State of the Union speech Tuesday. He outlined a vision of "opportunity for all." But the question is -- who's listening?


Most Americans still have a negative view of Obamacare, according to a new Associated Press-GFK poll.


While the president is expected to express a willingness to work with Congress, he will also make it clear he'll go it alone if he deems it necessary.


The Republican National Committee is taking a stand for life and pushing back against Democrats' claims the party is waging a "war on women." 


Virginia's Republican lawmakers are blasting the new state attorney general for his decision not to defend Virginia's marriage law.


The White House is blasting former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee for saying Democrats are waging the real war on women.


The Republican party has picked a woman to deliver the GOP response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address, Tuesday.


If you signed up for Obamacare, your personal information may be extremely vulnerable to hackers, according to expert hacker David Kennedy.
