
Jewish people around the world are celebrating the holiday of Purim this week.


There’s no lack of information about the Jewish Festival of Purim on the Internet.


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told members of the House Foreign Relations Committee Thursday that Israel should get over insisting on recognition as the Jewish nation-state.


Three years after Syrians first started a peaceful protest for change in their country, Syrians are experiencing a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions.


The Festival of Purim, commemorated by Jews every year, tells the story of an attempt thousands of years ago to annihilate the Jews. Sound familiar?


Islamic Jihad terrorists, backed by Iran, launched dozens of rockets from the heart of Gaza on Wednesday. It marked the largest spike in Gaza rocket fire since 2012.


Norwegian Cruise Lines will no longer sail to Tunisia following the government's decision to disallow Israeli passengers to disembark on its soil.


For more than two decades, the United States has pushed for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Author Caroline Glick explains why that will never work.


Terrorists in Gaza fired more than 60 rockets into southern parts of Israel, officials said Tuesday.


A weapons cache seized last week from Iran is serving as another warning to the West of the Islamic country's dangerous intentions.
