NC Congresswoman's 10-Point Plan to Battle Radical Islam on the Homefront


Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC) released a ten-point list on Friday--called 'Wake Up America"-- designed to call attention to the direct threat posed to the United States by radical Islam. Rep. Myrick "gets it" when it comes to the jihadist threat--she's the founder of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus, which now has 120 members. Her hope is to get legislation passed in Washington that's consistent with the Wake Up America plan. Here's a summary of the ten points.

1. Investigate all military chaplains endorsed by Abdurahman Alamoudi, who is serving 23 years in a federal prison for fundiing terrorism.

2. Investigate all prison chaplains endorsed by Alamoudi.

3. Investigate the selection process of Arabic translators working for the Pentagon and the FBI.

4. Examine the non-profit status of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (our old friends, CAIR).

5. Make it an act of sedition or solicitation of treason to preach or publish materials that call for the deaths of Americans.

6. Audit sovereign wealth funds in the United States.

7. Cancel scholarship student visa program with Saudi Arabia until they reform their text books, which preach hatred and violence against non-Muslims.

8. Restrict religious visas for imams who come from countries that don't allow reciprocal visits by non-Muslim clergy (Saudi Arabia, anyone?)

9. Cancel contracts to train Saudi police and security in U.S. counterterrorism tactics.

10. Block the sale of sensitive military munitions to Saudi Arabia.

Sounds like a solid start to me. What do you think? Is there anything you would add or subtract from this list? I'll be eager to see who in Congress opposes Myrick's perfectly reasonable plan (it's a given that cries of "Islamophobia" will be bandied about) and what their reasons are--should be very telling.

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