Christian Living

WhiteHouseWrap 11/09/10

WH Press Secretary Sticks Up For American Press

I have to share this with you. A little background: When the President of the United States has a meeting, overseas or not, a "press pool" is allowed in to document the event.

For the American White House press, this is a "pool" of eight people. All mediums (television, radio, print, magazine) are represented. The "pool" files a report for all of the press to share. The idea is to create a win-win: There aren't 800 cameras and reporters in a tiny room with the President, and the press all gets "access" to the story.

Well..... in India, security tried to limit the American press pool to five. Well, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs wasn't having that! He stuck up for the press, and even threatened to pull President Obama out of meetings if the full press pool wasn't allowed in.

Kudos to Gibbs for this.

Check out the video (courtesy of AP):

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