Christian Living

WhiteHouseWrap 04/19/11

President Obama Hosts Easter Prayer Breakfast

The President will welcome about 130 Christian faith leaders to the White House for an Easter Prayer Breakfast this morning. 

Invited leaders include T.D. Jakes, Tim Keller, Rev. Sharon Watkins, Nancy Walters, Catholic bishops, and other evangelical leaders and mainline domination leaders.

There will be a mix of remarks from the pastors, leaders, prayer and scripture reading, and remarks from the President.

The Easter Prayer Breakfast was held last year for the first time in the White House by President Obama. The purpose is to honor Easter and focus on Christ's resurrection, and for the President to enjoy a time of celebration with other Christians from across the Christian spectrum.

Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, the newly confirmed designee to be the Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, will also attend.

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