Christian Living

Beltway Buzz

J.C. Watts on GOP, Evangelical Vote and His Faith Walk

"Synergy" is an oft-used (some say overused) buzz word folks in business world tend to throw around. While it may be a tad worn out, we at Beltway Buzz think it's entirely apropos for this post.

Recently, Betlway Buzz teamed up with the venerable Brody File to interview former Oklahoma Congressman J.C. Watts.

Watts discussed everything from the current scandals confronting the White House (Benghazi, IRS, and AP phone tapping) to the state of the GOP to his Christian faith.

Below are samplings from his thought-provoking interview.

J.C. Watts says GOP has "missed it" when it comes to the evangelical vote:

J.C. Watts shares his faith journey and how prayer can change America:

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