Christian Living


books 11/18/08

Prepare For Christmas

Are you ready for the holidays? If Christmas finds you frazzled each year, check out these two books to help you cut down on the stress that usually comes with buying gifts and entertaining. These two guides will help you get prepared for the holidays with ease. 

Simplify Your Holidays (Hardcover)
By Marcia Ramsland
Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 978-1401604141, 192 pages

Organization and simplification expert Marcia Ramsland tackles the holidays with an eight-week plan designed to make Christmas a season of celebration, not stress. Most people begin to prepare for Christmas as soon as Thanksgiving is over, which can create great stress since Thanksgiving happens at a different time every year. However, Halloween is consistently eight weeks before Christmas, so beginning then ensures enough time to prepare and plan for both Christmas and Thanksgiving and to make this a season of joy for yourself and your family. This planner addresses all the details of the busy holiday season, including buying, wrapping, and sending presents, sending Christmas cards, home decorations, and cooking and baking.

Simplify your Holidays is a big, red, loose-leaf book filled with an impressive amount of helpful information and organizational tools to help women cross over from stressed to blessed this holiday season. It’s well-structured, and put together in such a way that it can be used year after year. I would especially recommend Simplify your Holidays to busy moms, or for those women who do quite a bit of entertaining over the holiday season.   

A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts (Hardcover)
A compilation book
Leafwood Publishers
ISBN: 978-0891125648, 160 pages

Is your December cluttered? Does Christmas leave you fretting instead of singing "Joy to the World"? In "A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts," discover how to bring harmony to this busy month. Tips for family traditions, connecting generations, children, gift giving, how to grow myrrh and much more. Try the scrumptious "Cookie Canister" recipes. Read about families who experienced Christmas firsts. This is a book to help you uncomplicate Christmas, rediscover the real source of joy, and usher in the celebration of faith, family ,and a Savior.

When I first requested this book for review I never expected it to be so gorgeous! Made of high quality materials, it’s filled with stunning artwork, historical Christmas traditions, vintage poetry, recipes, heart-warming stories, and even practical holiday suggestions. Obviously this would make a charming and meaningful gift for anyone on your list—but I actually have a better idea… Give it as a gift to yourself. Then, when Christmas busyness threatens to steal your joy, find a quiet spot by the fire, pour yourself some hot mulled cider, and bask in the loveliness of this quaint and appealing book. It’s available at bookstores nationwide, as well as places like Amazon.com.

Book review by Paula Friedrichsen. Paula is a writer and speaker who lives in Central California with her family. Visit her Web site at http://www.pfministries.com/.

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Until next time, Happy Reading!

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